Plants in good shape. STILL hope to get white clematis
Bonnie Eagerton
Ice plant
It arrived dead again!I was to tired to return it
Pam Hartsfield
IcePlant looked liked melted slop...Still waupiting for my replacement order.
Still waiting on the replacement order of the Ice plane...or if not available refund my paypal account.
Susan Blond
I am happy and so are plants
Basically all greener earth's plants arrived just as nyc was starting to seriously heat up. My container gdn set up is a big stone apt veranda in blazing sun most of the day. Even though the plants I ordered are all sun-heat tolerant conditions are a little extreme. The key factor for me is that the plants arrived in good condition. They got off to a good start and continued to do well despite ninety plus temps sporadically alternating with drenching downpours. I look forward to future orders. Thank you.