Great packaging. Can’t wait to see how these beauties grow!
Jodie Howell
Cautiously optimistic
When I purchased the plants your website said it was the perfect time to plant them so we did as per the instructions sent with them. They arrived quickly with no leaves and our weather is cooling fast so I hope they do ok! Hoping for beautiful growth in the spring!
Joanna Laffey
Mighty strong beginnings
Looks like it’s going to be a great grower. Leaves coming on like crazy!
Susan Miller
Very small rose bush . Is healthy and has a few blossoms but not growing.
Shona Thompson
New Dawn Climbing Rose
A beautiful healthy plant on arrival. We planted it and so far it’s doing well.
Mary Ruczynski
Snowball bush and Roses.
The roses are in the green! But the snoball plant has 3 babies( so cute) and that’s inside. With our change in weather-warmer than normal during a few days but frigid nights, I’m unsure when to plant. That’s 25-34 degrees. We normally don’t plant before Memorial Day so when?
Elizabeth Jeglinski
This rose arrived in perfect condition! We've already planted it in its new home and hope it feels welcome.
In the pot was a new resident from Oregon, a fat earthworm! We view it as good luck!
Thank you for such a beautiful and well-packed plant.
John Russell
Well packed. Thriving
Julie Dazier
New dawn rose
Arrived nice and fresh and healthy looking. Now let’s see if I can grow this thing!
Elizabeth Jeglinski
So excited
This rose arrived in fantastic condition and was packaged securely. We're looking forward to planting this around our trellis once the late spring freezes pass.